Armed for Action
Armed for Action
A cop transporting a Mafia hitman across country is ambushed in a small town.
Genre: Action
Rating: N/A
Directed By: Bret McCormick
Written By: Ted Prior
Released: 1992
Runtime: 90 minutes
Joe Estevez as Dectective West
Rocky Patterson as David Montel
David Harrod as Sgt. Phil Towers
J Scott Guy as Alex
Shane Boldin as Jake
For war veteran Sgt. Phil Towers, transporting known Mafia hitman David Montel from New York to Los Angeles seemed like a routine mission, only to be ambushed halfway across the country by ten of the mob’s top gunmen.
Trapped in a small town Towers’ only chance of survival is enlisting the locals to win back control.
The enemy had better beware now Sgt. Phil Towers is now “Armed for Action”.
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