The Movie Life of George

When EMI refused to produce Monty Python’s Life of Brian, George Harrison founded Handmade Pictures so that he could see the film.



Genre: Documentary
Rating: N/A
Directed By: Charles Brand
Written By: N/A
Released: 1989
Runtime: 52 minutes


Michael Caine
Graham Chapman
John Cleese
Robbie Coltrane
Billy Connolly
Terry Gilliam
George Harrison
Bob Hoskins
Eric Idle
Michael Palin


This documentary was made at a time when Handmade Films had been in existence for 10 years and some of the footage includes the 10 year anniversary party for the film company.

More importantly it is however all about George Harrison, without whom we would not be here today and films such as Monty Python’s Life of Brian, Time Bandits, Withnail and I would not even exist!

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