Kappa Mikey
Kappa Mikey follows the adventures of Mikey Simon, a young American actor who becomes the biggest action star Japan has ever seen.
Audience: 9 – 14 year olds (and fun loving adults)
Released: 2006 – 2008
Runtime: 52 episodes of 22 minutes
Creator: Larry Schwarz
Director: Sergei Aniskov
Carrie Keranen as Mitsuki
Kether Donoue as Lily
Gary Littman as Guano
Sean Schemmel as Gonard
Kappa Mikey follows the adventures of Mikey Simon, a young American actor who becomes the biggest action star Japan has ever seen.
After winning a scratch-off contest, Mikey is given the chance to star in LilyMu, a formerly hot anime show that has fallen on tough times.
Though at first his new co-stars think he is wrong for the job, the public disagrees and suddenly Mikey is Japan’s biggest star rocketing LilyMu back to the top of the ratings. When he is not being chased by paparazzi, or signing autographs, Mikey also finds time to go on wacky adventures around Tokyo with his new friends.
User Ratings
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