Girl Stroke Boy

The straight laced parents of a young boy who has, until now, shown no interest in the opposite sex, are surprised when he comes home with a girl/boy from the West Indies.



Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Rating: X
Directed By: Bob Kellet
Written By: Caryl Brahms, David Percival, Ned Sherrin
Released: 1971
Runtime: 86 minutes


Joan Greenwood as Lettice Mason
Michael Hordern as George Mason
Clive Francis as Laurie
Peter Straker as Jo Delaney
Patricia Routledge as Pamela Hovendon
Peter Bull as Peter Hovendon


The straight laced parents of a young boy who has, until now, shown no interest in the opposite sex, are surprised when he comes home with a girl/boy from the West Indies.

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