A government agent assigns a scientist to help one of his agents track down a Russian defector who is a cyborg.
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Rating: 15
Directed By: Peter Yuval
Written By: Geoffrey Mandel, Peter Yuval
Released: 1991
Runtime: 88 minutes
Christopher Plummer as Col. Garland Vaughan
Chris Lemmon as Warren Hart
Brett Porter as Ivan Tibor
Gretchen Becker as Melia Buchanan
Martin Landau as Adm. Pendleton
George Elliot as Fallbright
One man has the power to start World War III. He is a Russian with telekinetic powers. One look from him and things blow up. The Russian defects to keep from being used by the War mongers in his native land. A group of American defence contractors led by Christopher Plummer also want to use him for war. Their profits depend upon it.
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