A Russian spy penetrates into the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon to try to kill a Soviet defector under asylum there.
Genre: Crime, Drama
Rating: N/A
Directed By: Gordon Hessler
Written By: Stephen Coulter (novel), William Fairchild (screenplay)
Released: 1972
Runtime: 90 minutes
Richard Roundtree as Richard ‘Dick’ Shannon
Chuck Connors as Keston
Marie-Jose Nat as Laure
Ray Milland as Ambassador
Broderick Crawford as Frank Dunniger
Max Von Sydow as Gorenko
Chuck Connors as Keston
Marie-Jose Nat as Laure
Ray Milland as Ambassador
Broderick Crawford as Frank Dunniger
Max Von Sydow as Gorenko
A Russian spy penetrates into the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon to try to kill a Soviet defector under asylum there.
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