Ellen’s Acres

Ellen’s Acres is a pre-school show about a 5 year old girl called Ellen, her feather duster, the hotel she owns and her amazing adventures.



Genre: Pre-school Adventure
Audience: 2 – 7 year olds (and their family)
Released: 2007
Runtime: 52 episodes of 11 minutes
Creator: Larry Schwarz
Director: Stephen Moverley


Emily Corrao as Ellen
Evelyn Lanto as Mom
Marc Thompson as Dad
Vibe Jones as Connie
Michael Alston Baley as Cooter


Ellen’s Acres is a pre-school show about a 5 year old girl called Ellen, her feather duster, the hotel she owns and her amazing adventures.

Actually, the hotel belongs to her parents but the part about the amazing adventures is absolutely true. There is not a lot to do and there are not any children Ellen’s age at Emerald Acres Hotel, 39 miles from Tonapah, Nevada. Ellen’s only companions are her parents, the folks that work at the hotel and the guests.

Thankfully Ellen has a huge imagination…..

User Ratings

This is how the users and critics on the IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes websites voted.


Rotten Tomatoes

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