Deadly Dancer

A police detective, investigating a string of murders of strippers at a Los Angeles night club, must race against the clock to clear his name when he’s wrongfully accused of being the killer.



Genre: Drama, Thriller
Rating: N/A
Directed By: Kimberely Casey
Written By: Marla Fields (screenplay), David Halpern (screenplay), David A. Prior (story) 
Released: 1990
Runtime: 99 minutes


Smith Wordes as Kaycha
Walter Cox as Mike Fulton
Steve Jonson as Jim Hatch
Shabba-Doo as Tony Penter
Lenny Rose as Joe


The exotic dancers at a favourite police watering hole are dying like flies. All clues point to officer Alden. With time running out Alden must not only clear his name, but also keep from being the next victim

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