Dancing Sushi

Set in the fast paced anime world of Tokyo, Dancing Sushi is the tale of four pieces of fish who have escaped from a sushi bar.



Genre: Kids Adventure
Audience: Age 7 years and over
Released: 2007
Runtime: 28 episodes of 90 seconds
Creator: Larry Schwarz
Director: John Holt


Salmon the Salmon Sushi as himself
Larry the Shrimp Sushi as himself
Roro the Fish Eggs wrapped in Seaweed as himself
Meep the Fish with Rice on the back as herself
Sushi Chef as himself



Set in the fast paced anime world of Tokyo, Dancing Sushi is the tale of four pieces of fish who have escaped from a sushi bar.

They have one dream and one dream only and that is to become the world’s biggest pop stars!!

User Ratings

This is how the users and critics on the IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes websites voted.


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