When his brother is framed for murder, a detective quits the force and breaks all the rules in pursuit of the real killers.
Genre: Action, Thriller
Rating: N/A
Directed By: Lawrence L. Simeone
Written By: Lawrence L. Simeone
Released: 1991
Runtime: 102 minutes
Dave Buff as Bobby
Kathryn Luster as Evelyn
Dan Ranger as Turner
Reggie DeMorney as Mayor Crenshaw
Jesse Galante as Clarence
Lawrence L Simeone as Frank
Kathryn Luster as Evelyn
Dan Ranger as Turner
Reggie DeMorney as Mayor Crenshaw
Jesse Galante as Clarence
Lawrence L Simeone as Frank
When Detective Thomas Venelli is framed for murdering the Mayor’s son, the press damn him while the police force abandon him. The only person who can help him is his brother Detectvie Robert Vanelli. Quitting the force, Robert breaks all the rules in a pursuit of the real killers.
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