The Dangerous

Brother and sister Ninja warriors get revenge for their sister’s death by killing the drug dealers in New Orleans.



Genre: Action, Thriller
Rating: N/A
Directed By: Rod Hewitt, David Winters
Written By: Rod Hewitt
Released: 1995
Runtime: 96 minutes


Robert Davi as Davalos
Michael Pare as Random
John Savage as Emile Lautrec
Joel Grey as Flea
Elliot Gould as Levine
Cay Hiroyuki Tagawa as Kon


To avenge the death of a family member, a brother and sister adopt the code of Kamikaze, and are determined to kill drud dealers until they are killed themselves. Meanwhile ex-cop Billy Davalos winds up entangled in the desperate search for the killers as East meets West in final fiery confrontation.

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