Intimate Relations

The film depicts the hypocritically prudish residents of a seemingly respectable household who indulge in the sort of sordid goings on they would publicly sneer at.


Genre: Comedy, Drama
Rating: 15
Directed By: Phillip Goodhew
Written By: Phillip Goodhew
Released: 1996
Runtime: 105 minutes


Julie Walters as Marjorie
Rupert Graves as Harold
Matthew Walker as Stanley
Laura Sadler as Joyce
Holly Aird as Deirdre
Les Dennis as Maurice


The film takes place in the 1950s in the suburbs of London. The film depicts the hypocritically prudish residents of a seemingly respectable household who, behind closed doors, indulge in the sort of sordid goings on they would publicly sneer at.

Marjorie Beaslie (Walters) is a housewife in her forties who takes in a lodger named Harold Guppey (Graves), who has just stumbled into town to look up his long-lost brother (played by Les Dennis).

Although seemingly prudish (she no longer sleeps in the same bed as her husband, for “medical reasons”), Marjorie takes a liking to Harold despite him being a good twenty years her junior.

They begin to have a clandestine affair, sneaking into bed together at night. Ever since taking in her lodger, Marjorie insists that Harold refer to her as “mum”, giving more than a little oedipal slant to their subsequent lustful antics.

Marjorie’s youngest daughter is fourteen-year-old Joyce (Sadler), a precocious, Loltia-like girl who alternates between trying to act grown up by putting on make-up and smoking cigarettes, and acting childish by grossing people out with tales of medieval punishments and giggling at rude words.


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